
This entry was posted in Year 3. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Egypt

  1. Faez says:

    really good lulu it is child appropriate

  2. Shakai says:

    i like the fact you used a pyramid

  3. Kushi says:

    Well done Lulu! Excellent work! I absolutely love this maybe as an improvement you can add some more text about what happens to them. That is so exiting to know.

  4. Alicja says:

    no i did not know thank you for that information

  5. Ayla says:

    This blog is very good and I love the information!
    I also really like the Egyptians in the corner

  6. Aari says:

    I rely liked your work well done

  7. James says:

    I like the pictures.

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